Friday, December 19, 2008

The Wedding Binder

So, I just spent, literally, 5 hours organizing my "Wedding Binder." I do not know if other brides are like me, but I am super organized and like to have all my information in one place, and neatly organized and categorized, so I put together a binder. My binder has all the contracts I have signed, fun ideas I have found in magazines and information about potential vendors. It is HUGE, and needed some cleaning up, and reorganizing. Now that I have a better idea about what my wedding/reception is going to be like, I was able to throw out a ton of articles that I had in my binder about outdoor weddings and stuff. I also took some of the magazine cut-outs and put together collages, so that I can help vendors visualize the theme I am going for. Check it out...

I'm tired, and have a busy day with my mom tomorrow. We are going to a wedding jewelry/veil trunk show in Chicago, and then we are going to go to the mall to see if there are anymore bridesmaid dress options. I better make up my mind soon...or I'll go crazy. Night!!!

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