Thursday, January 15, 2009's been awhile

So...I guess it has been awhile since I last wrote. The end of Christmas break went by rather quickly, and I spent much of it traveling. And since getting back to school life has been even crazier, and I have had zero time to blog...and no computer to blog on! ha ha! My laptop broke before Thanksgiving break, and I finally took it in to get looked at and they said it was a broken mother-board, which is pretty freakin-expensive. So, I had to work myself up to forking over the money for a new laptop. I tried doing the whole college thing without one, but could not do it anymore. EVERYTHING involves computers now! So, I finally went to Walmart and bought the cheapest computer I could find (I did not really plan buying a new computer into my wedding budget, so cheap was the way to go). But I was lucky, and they had a crazy awesome deal on this Compaq (owned by HP).
Well, mine is a little different then the one on the website - no webcam, etc - but for $398 it's great. Anyway, even though I may have not written in awhile, does not mean that I have not been keeping up on my wedding plans! :) Here is what Brent and I have been up to:
  • My mom and I found all the bridesmaid dresses!! We went on a wild goose chase, but were able to get all of them (at varying prices). They were originally $180, but we got the price down to $133/girl
  • We have asked my niece, Mary Jane, and nephew, Zeke...and Brent's niece, Julia, and nephew Levi, to all be in the wedding. We will be sending all four down the aisle. It will be so cute!

  • Brent and I finalized our Honeymoon Plans. We have an 8-person condo (ha ha - a little big, but that's ok) at the Sheraton Vistana Resort in Orlando FL, from Sunday June 28th to the following Sunday. Check it out!
  • Mrs. Boersma's friends are throwing me a Wedding Shower and it will be held on February 7th, when Melissa, Brent's sister-in-law will be in town. It will be fun that she can be there!!! So, Brent and I are started making our registry list of things that we will need.
  • The Guest Lists are being finalized as we speak. This is a difficult one!! It is hard to keep numbers under 200.
  • I asked my cousin Sean to play a song (piano) and sing at the wedding, and he said yes! Sean is an awesome piano player and writes his own music. Check out this jingle he wrote for snickers... (I am thinking about having him sing "Marry Me" by Ed Cash, but that is still in the works)

  • AND, a new theme is in the works! Although, I really like the Pink/Black/White damask look it is getting kind of pricey. We would have had to buy a table runner and cake plate for each table, and can not find very reasonable prices. So check out the new idea!
So, I still want to keep black and different shades of pink, but now I am going for more of an outdoorsy, love-bird look. My mom and I have found some REALLY cute ideas for table decs, favors, invites. Check out all these links... (I know it's a lot...I will break them down in future entries)

DIY Impress Rubber Stamps
Vintage Perch
Swirls & Swallows
Two Birds
Love Birds
Sittin in a tree
DIY Martha Stewart
Whimsical Bird

Curly Willow Forest down the Aisle

Bird Place Cards
Wall Dec for entry way
Bird Cage Letter Holder
Balloon Ceiling
Chic Pearls

Table Decorations

Branch & Birdies Centerpiece
How to Make Bird Centerpiece
Inexpensive Vases
Crystal Flower Stems
Birds Nest Centerpiece

Favor Ideas

Blooming Bird Flower Card
Bird's Nest with Candies
Little Bird Boxes
Little Bird Boxes 2

Cute Cake Topper
Forest Cake
Love Bird Cake Toppers
Sugar Birds and More Cake Ideas

Love Bird Stuff
Pretty Bird Necklace
Love Bird Garter Set
Birds Galore

So, what do you think of the new theme?? I hope you like it!

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