Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wedding Party Brunch

Brent and I just finished serving a Sunday Brunch for our wedding party! The Boersma's were kind enough to let us use their kitchen and dining room for our little get-together. We decided to throw a brunch to say thank you to our friends and family for taking part in the months before and on the day of Brent's and My Wedding. It may not seem like much work now, but sooner or later I am sure we will be asking them to do a few or many things to help us out! :) We really wanted our whole wedding party to be here, but there is never going to be a time (before June) when everyone is going to be around, so only the Holland residents were able to attend. Kristin and David are in Colorado, and Bryan is in Washington. Max was planning on coming from Illinois, but did not take into account the time change, so he woke up a little too late. :( was a lot of fun!! We had delicious food and fun convo! I updated everyone on the plans we have made so far, and wanted to let them know that we are open for suggestions. We want this day to be memorable not only for us, but for everyone else attending. (It probably will be the most expensive party I ever throw - so it better be good!!!) :)

If you see anything fun - send links, or comments my way!!

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