Sunday, March 22, 2009

Been a loooooong time

Sorry I have been slacking majorly in updating the blog!! I am sure you are dying to hear what I have been doing in the last month. Well, school, event coordinating, and job searching have consumed my every waking moment, and I have actually not gotten as much time to do wedding stuff. However, this last weekend, my parents came to Michigan, and along with Brent's parents the six of us accomplished A TON!!!! Here is a BRIEF recap of what we got done:

We met with the Florist and put together the whole flower scheme for the ceremony and reception

We had our Taste Testing and decided on the following foods:

o Plated dinner

o Rolls

o Salad: Blueberry Vinaigrette

o Entrees: Medium London Broil, Picatta Chicken, Vegetarian Wellington

o Sides: Risotto, Grilled Vegetables

o Drinks: Coffee Station, Pop, Wine, Beer

We ordered our Guest Favors – this is a surprise!!

Discussed Transportation ideas, Tuxes, Little kids attire, Bridesmaid accessories, Music options

Chose our Master and Mistress of Ceremonies

Decided on how we are going to do invitations

Started laying out an itinerary for the day of. Here is a sneak peak…

o 5:00pm - Ceremony

o 5:45pm - Receiving Line

o 6:15pm - Send-off

o 6:45pm - Hoers 'devours

o 8:00 - Dinner

o 9:30 - Dancing

It was such a crazy day, but soooooooooooooooo good! Brent and I are blessed to have such amazing and supportive families. More to come in the next few weeks.... :)

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